Types Of Sexual Harassment
If you have been the victim of sexual harassment at work, you should contact a qualified local sexual harassment attorney as soon as possible. If you want to file a claim, your chances of success are higher if you do so with the relevant government agencies sooner rather than later.
Even if you file a complaint with your employer and the sexual harassment continues, hiring a lawyer who specializes in these sorts of circumstances is the next best step.
Your lawyer will be able to provide further assistance, help you file a claim with the EEOC or the appropriate state or local government agency, and assist you in building a case that would put an end to anything unlawful or improper that you experienced.
Types Of Sexual Harassment Claims
According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), there are two forms of sexual harassment claims: “quid pro quo” and “hostile work environment.” The EEOC has provided guidelines on determining sexual harassment and establishing employer liability.
Quid pro quo means “this in return for that.” It refers to expressed or implied demands for sexual favors in exchange for again (e.g., a raise) or to avoid a loss (e.g., termination, demotion) at work. Quid pro quo harassment is committed by someone in a position of power or authority over another individual (e.g., employer over employee). A clear example of quid pro quo harassment would be a supervisor threatening to fire an employee if he or she does not have sex with the supervisor.
Harassment in the workplace is when speech or conduct is so severe and continuous that it creates an intimidating or demeaning atmosphere or situation that has a detrimental influence on someone’s job performance. Harassment can also be committed by anyone in the workplace, including a peer, supervisor, subordinate, vendor, customer or contractor. This sort of bullying differs from quid pro quo abuse in that it may happen without any direct exchange of money. Given that an individual remark or event may not be severe, demeaning behavior may occur that is not based on sex, and there may be lengthy gaps between offensive incidents, hostile work environment situations are not as simple to detect. Inappropriate touching, sexual jokes or comments, repeated requests for dates, and a work environment where offensive pictures are shown are examples of conduct that might create a hostile work environment.
The EEOC has stated that sexual harassment can happen in a variety of situations, including the following:
- A person who is being harassed may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the same gender.
- A harasser can be the victim’s boss, an employer’s representative, a superior in another department, a coworker or a non-employee.
- The victim does not have to be the harassed individual; rather, it may be anybody who is affected by the aggressive behavior.
- Unlawful sexual harassment may occur without economic harm or termination of the victim.
- The harasser’s conduct must be unwelcome.
The greatest remedy for sexual harassment in the workplace is prevention. Employers have the opportunity to prevent unlawful conduct by informing staff that sexual harassment will not be tolerated, teaching them about harassment prevention, establishing a good complaint procedure, and taking quick and effective action when an employee reports.
Contact A Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Texas Personal Injury Lawyers have a lot of expertise in cases involving sexual harassment. With time, our commitment to treating clients with care and respect grows. We recognize how difficult it is to report sexual or physical abuse allegations. Our lawyers are sensitive and empathetic to such circumstances; we understand how distressing they can be. It is critical for your mental health that these concerns be resolved, and we intend to relieve you of the stress associated with doing so. Contact our law firm for a free case evaluation.
Call our legal team immediately at (888) 997-2148 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced sexual harassment lawyers and it will be your initial step toward receiving fair and just compensation. We take cases on a contingency fee basis and there are no costs unless we win, and the consultation is completely free.