Sexual Harassment In The Manufacturing Industry
The manufacturing industry is unlike any other. The business has long been dominated by males, with only 25-30% of manufacturing employees being female today. Manufacturing is also unique from many other sectors in that there is no direct consumer interaction and virtually all of the work takes place “behind the scenes” and out of sight of the general public. This makes it easier for workers to get away with unethical behavior in a culture where they are less likely to be discovered.
According to a ten-year study conducted by the Center for American Progress, manufacturing had the third-highest number of EEOC complaints regarding sexual harassment. Over their decade-long research, the sector received around 12% of the 85,000+ complaints filed with the agency. However, when compared to the low proportion of female employees in manufacturing as a whole, this figure is surprising. This emphasizes the severity of sexual harassment in manufacturing, given that it represents just 7% of all workers.
You don’t have to be a victim of sexual harassment as a manufacturing employee or in any other sector. Your right to an environment free of harassment is guaranteed by federal legislation, and there are legal options available, including the opportunity to recover compensation. Contact Texas Personal Injury Lawyers for a free case evaluation.
Sexual Harassment Is Prevalent In The Manufacturing Sector
Isolated Workspaces:
- As previously said, the majority of production takes place in secret. Workers are frequently assigned to various stations on an assembly line and perform their duties with little supervision. Managers spend the bulk of their time in the back office, only coming out to the floor when there is a problem to deal with.
Culture of Silence:
- It’s easy to see why workers may be hesitant to report wrongdoings, particularly if they’re in a unionized workplace that has cultural norms against reporting. Workers frequently justify their behaviors by citing factors like “this is the way things have always been” or “I was just blowing off steam.” In this type of culture, many women are hesitant to complain about fear of being labelled “bitchy” or “difficult to deal with,” which may jeopardize their job.
Lack of Sensitivity:
- Sensitivity has never been a top priority in a traditionally male-dominated business. As a result, salty language, inappropriate jokes, making fun of coworkers, and similar behavior have all been regarded as “no big deal” and simply “part of the job.”
- Only about 6% to 13% of all sexual harassment situations are ever formally reported, according on the EEOC. It’s easy to see why this is the case in the manufacturing sector: many harassed employees believe their claims will go unheard. Because higher level executives and their human resource personnel are frequently located off-site, there is a pervasive feeling that employees’ concerns will not be listened to or addressed. Nothing will be done to hold those who are committing this sort of misconduct accountable.
Changing a long-standing culture is never easy. To that end, “things have always been this way” is not a valid excuse. No employee should have to work in a hostile workplace environment, and workplace sexual harassment and other kinds of workplace abuse are against federal law. Manufacturers must take proactive measures, such as adopting stronger anti-harassment policies, ensuring that all employees and management are fully informed about these rules, establishing more open reporting procedures, and making cultural changes to address this issue.
Have You Been The Target Of Workplace Bullying Or Sexual Harassment?
If you have been subjected to sexual misconduct while working in the manufacturing sector or in any other industry, you are not required to keep quiet. Federal legislation protects your right to a harassment-free environment, and there are legal options available, including the option to seek compensation. It is critical to consult with an experienced civil rights lawyer if you wish to learn more about the legal options available for your particular situation.
Are You Aware Of Your Legal Rights?
Texas Personal Injury Lawyers assist individuals who have been subjected to discrimination and harassment in obtaining appropriate legal compensation. For a free consultation with our sexual harassment lawyers, contact our office now at (888) 997-2148.
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